Consultation 2021

Consultation 2021

Nuthall Parish Council thanks everyone that took part in their recent survey. Although there were many positive comments and compliments for which we are very grateful the consultation set out to identify where we need to make improvements and so we have not included these in the results, but we do appreciate them. Some comments have been abridged for clarity which we hope you understand.


The first meeting of the Consultation working group has taken place and once they have reported to the Full Council on 22nd April their first five key objectives will be released.


Comments on Consultation Consultation Collated Responses

Following the recent consultation Speeding, mainly along Nottingham Road and Kimberley Road has been identified as a concern for may residents.


We have therefore requested the latest data from Nottinghamshire County Council which we are publishing on our website taken in October and December 2020.


The Council will be using this to help it address the concerns which were discussed at the recent working group meeting, ahead of us getting this data and we will keep you informed of progress.


Many thanks to all those who took part in the Consultation, it has proved very helpful and will be the focus for our next two years objectives.

Nottingham Road Speed Data Kimberley Road Speed Data
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